This page contains two sections:

A - Team Breakthrough Tools

B - Governance Resources

A - Team Breakthrough Tools

Check out this collection of tools to help us work together as TB!

1. Slack (Communications)

We use Slack to keep us connected and collaborating effectively as a team.

If you're not already in the TB Slack, chat to your Grow Team leader to get connected.

How to Use Slack
2. OneDrive (File Storage)

We have a central TB OneDrive, which we use to store all of our TB documents.

This ensures every team member can access what they need, when they need it.

All Breakthrough computers are setup with access to the TB OneDrive, and you can also connect your personal devices, using the 5 steps in the below tutorials.

Setting up Onedrive on your personal devices

To access Shared Team Breakthrough Files on your computer click here for instructions.

3. Elvanto (Sunday Church Management)

Elvanto is the tool underlying every element of Sunday church!

It houses our rosters, run sheets, song lists, music resources, events and more!

Check out the below guides for how to use various elements of Elvanto:

Elvanto Training

Overview of Features

Downloading and Setting Up App on your Phone

Notifying of Unavailability

Viewing Service Plans

Elvanto Training - For Administrators

Creating a Unique Sunday Event

Creating a Custom Field (so you can monitor who has completed a Form)

Creating a Form (that automatically updates the Custom Field)

4. Canva (Graphics)

If you need to make a Breakthrough graphic or document, you can use Canva.

All members of TB can be added to the Breakthrough "team" on Canva (if you need help with this, ask your Grow Team leader), giving you access to templates, logos, files and resources you'll need to create any graphics.

5. Role Description: Grow Team Leader

In order to fully empower our team to thrive in their roles, we need to have full clarity around what that role is.

So we have a Role Description: Grow Team Leader - a document you can use to clarify the goals, requirements and resources for those whose role is to lead in TB.

Role Description: GT Leader
6. About Team Breakthrough

The Breakthrough Code (our core values) underpins everything we do. Check it out, as well as some other info of how we do things at Breakthrough.

The Breakthrough Code (Values) - PDF

An Overview of Core Foundations at Breakthrough - PDF

The Team Breakthrough Dress Code - PDF

B - Team Breakthrough Governance

These resources ensure we provide a duty of care to all people and are aligned with important governmental requirments as a church.


Incident/Near Miss Report - Whenever there is an incident (or near-miss) on BCC property or at a BCC event.

Concerns Anecdotal Record - For when you have a concern - even if you aren't certain there is a problem

Site Safety Report - Reporting any potential hazards or issues of site safety

Safer Churches Training

Safer Churches training is part of Breakthrough's commitment to ensuring a duty of care to all people.

It's important that every member of the team completes each of the following online courses and signs the volunteer declaration form.


For everyone who is a supervisor in Team Breakthrough: