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“Be it unto me according to your word”.

Those beautiful words from Mary are often used as one of the greatest examples of submission to God’s plan. Here was Mary, a young girl, who suddenly had her life turned upside down with a surprise assignment from God… be the mother to His son!
And she uttered this simple phrase as her submissive response.

But recently God showed me that it’s not just a declaration of submission…it’s a declaration of faith and empowerment!

Mary was a virgin, therefore being a mother was completely impossible. (If you don’t understand, ask your Life-group leader… haha) And yet Mary showed such ‘bulldog-faith’ with her response to this impossible assignment - be it unto me according to Your Word!

She wasn’t just telling the Angel those words, she was telling her body!
She was declaring that her body WAS pregnant, because of the Word of God.

What if we showed the FAITH of Mary?

Your body is sick, but God’s Word says by the stripes of Jesus I am healed.
So you tell your body be it unto me according to Your Word.

Your finances are struggling, but God’s Word says that He supplies your every need.
So you tell your bank account be it unto me according to Your Word.

Your child is walking away from God, but God’s Word says that as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
So you tell your children (or maybe say it to a photo of them!) be it unto me according to Your Word.

Your dream is impossible, but God’s Word says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
So you tell your vision board, be it unto me according to Your Word.

My prayer, and challenge, for you is that you start responding with the FAITH of Mary as we enter in 2024.