Look at what God has done!

Join us in looking back at all the memories, milestones and miracles of 2023.

Click Here for a 2023 Recap
Guest Speakers
  • Bill and Ginger Horn

  • Dr Jerry Savelle

  • Rev Ian and Diane Slack

  • Pastor Yvonne Hughes

  • Rabbi Lawrence Hirsch

  • Bruce Hills

Watch Bill Horn's sermon "Becoming the Greatest Reacher" Watch Dr Jerry Savelle's sermon "Maximum Restitution"
Breakthrough Milestones
  • Breakthrough became a Heritage of Faith Church

  • Caleb Lewis and Katelyn Grant became HFCC Pastors

  • Breakthrough Academy launched

  • The Superkids joined Team Breakthrough

  • Our Communications Team began filming videos for our social media reels

  • Breakthrough Espanol launched

  • And...the Breakthrough Newsletter was created!
Events of 2023
  • Women of Influence Conference

  • Family Picnic

  • Superkid Book-Week Dress-up

  • TWO Baptism Sundays

  • Pastors Appreciation

  • Christmas

  • New Year's Eve Praise Party